
This blog first started as a series of conversations between graduate students who were just simply interested in what others were doing. Those extended conversations then became the catalyst for a SEAC symposium, which was organized almost entirely using a group Facebook page. There, we posted abstracts, solicited ideas for who to invite as discussants, and shared comments and papers relevant to our research. After the symposium was over, we again polled our cadre of grad students to see what we wanted to do next. A common request was for some sort of online presence, and thus the idea for this blog was born.

We’ve grown in all sorts of directions since we started this blog and we’re excited to say that many of us have gone on to finish our degrees and get jobs!  As this started happening, we decided that the best thing we could do it pass the torch to some of our most deserving graduate student colleagues.  With these torch passings, the SEAC Underground community has grown and we hope you’ll join us!

Current guilty parties include:

David Cranford (University of North Carolina)

Viki Dekle (University of Kentucky)

Jake Lulewicz (University of Georgia)

Christina Sampson (University of Michigan)

Ashley Schubert (University of Michigan)

Morgan Smith (Texas A&M University)

Past guilty parties include:

Meg Kassabaum (Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania; University of North Carolina, PhD)

Shane Miller (Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University; University of Arizona, PhD)

Matt Sanger (Assistant Professor, Binghamton University; Columbia University, PhD)

Alice Wright (Assistant Professor, Appalachian State University; University of Michigan, PhD)

One comment on “About

  1. Tom Pertierra says:

    A “Well Done” shout out to all the guilty parties.

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