The Curious Case of the Cinmar Biface…

For those of you who don’t follow Paleoindian archaeology, this is the Cinmar biface…

Proponents of the Solutrean hypothesis argue that it was dredged up, along with with remains of a mammoth dated to 22,760 ± 90 RCYBP, off the mid-Atlantic coast. It’s on the cover of their book. If you have an account, you can read about it in more analytical detail here.

With that being said, this article came out yesterday in Journal of Archaeological Science (it’s open access – so you don’t need a subscription).

After reading it, this was about what my reaction was like…

Topper Clovis and Alt-J

Derek Anderson and I spent some time this past week at the Topper site in South Carolina excavating part of the Clovis component with a few volunteers. On a whim, I set up a GoPro in roughly the same spot every day and set it to take a picture ever 60 seconds. The music is one of the instrumental tracks from Alt-J’s “An Awesome Wave.”